Publication Guide
This guide provides practical tools for using the website and background information on the academic publication. It is divided into two parts:
How to Use This Website
Languages and the Mirrored Website
- We have created a mirrored website, meaning it is fully navigable both in English and Persian.
- To switch between the mirrored websites, simple click the ENGLISH or فارسی in the upper left or right, respectively.
- At the time of launch, we have translated about 15 contributions, including all Persian texts. The budget is exhausted, and additional translations are contingent on full support.
- When a text is available in translation, this is made clear. Please also see the Table of Contents, which specifies all relevant languages and translations.
- If the content is not available in Persian, the page includes a cue directing the reader back to the English website.
- The website is organized around six Galleries, which can be entered via this landing page.
- The Checklist can be entered via this landing page.
- Links to both the Galleries and Checklist are included in the upper toolbar.
- Both the Galleries and Checklist pages have menus in the sidebar to assist navigation.
- To see a full list of the website’s contents, please visit the Table of Contents. This site map identifies each contribution and its location.
- All figure reproductions in essays are available for viewing in an additional enlargement screen. In some cases, the quality of the image in the essay may be slightly low. Please click on the image to see it sharply in the enlargement screen.
- When possible, accession numbers are linked to collections online to maximize additional viewing in high-resolution zoom.
- The website includes many films and videos, some of which can take time to load. Please be patient or try to switch to a different browser.
- All films are available on our YouTube page in high resolution. This is generally a faster and more effective place to stream them. This is also where you will find subtitles.
- Located in Resources (upper toolbar), the Timeline provides a useful foundation for the over ten centuries of history covered in this website. It also includes links to related features.
Citations (how to cite)
- All contributions include a citation at the bottom of the page. In the absence of page numbers, we recommend that citations attempt to indicate the area being cited as clearly as possible. For example: Blair, “The Luster Cenotaph,” above fig. 8; Amini, “Oral History with Mohammad Amini,” 08:30–08:50; Rahmani, “Parcham,” no. 48, above fig. 3 (in Persian); and Nakhaei and Overton, “The Emamzadeh Yahya Through the Eyes,” slide 6.
Coming Soon
- Some pieces are in progress and will be added to the website in the coming months pending funding.
- New additions will be announced on our Instagram page.
Editorial Notes
These notes summarize some of the systems used in this academic publication.
-Keelan Overton, Editor and Publisher
- All contributions have been by invitation.
Style Guides (shivehnameh)
- Detailed style guides and expectations for publication have been provided to all authors in both English and Persian.
Editing and Peer Review
- All contributions have been peer reviewed by the Editor.
- All contributions have gone through a process of developmental editing and revision with the Editor.
- The guiding principle of editing has been to ensure maximum clarity in both content and writing, especially given the multi-lingual international audience and some pieces intended for translation.
- When necessary, contributions have been sent out for external peer review to additional trusted experts.
- All Persian texts have undergone additional peer review and editing by native Persian speakers.
- In addition to the texts, careful attention has focused on the visual content of each piece. Authors have been encouraged to date their photographs, use fresh materials, include audio and video when possible, and generally be creative with their visuals.
- All contributions are a fixed and final publication, just like a print article.
- A large cast of translators, copyeditors, and verifiers has been used for translations from Persian to English, English to Persian, and French to Persian.
- When possible, translations have been assigned based on disciplinary expertise.
- At the time of launch, 15 texts have been translated. All 10 contributions in Persian (3 essays, 6 catalog entries, 1 oral history) have been translated into English.
- The bibliographies in this project bridge disciplines, languages, and library systems and are intended to be useful educational resources.
- When possible, we have inserted links in [ ] at the end of bibliographic entries that lead to the text’s library record (WorldCat and/or and/or a digitized version.
- For dual bibliographies, we follow various systems of transliteration, transcription, and transliteration, depending on the author’s preference and the content.
English Style
- Dates: Dates are provided in conversion like so: 663/1265 (Islamic lunar calendar) and 1403 Sh/2024–25 (Iranian solar calendar; Sh for shamsi). A useful resource for date conversions across the three calendars can be found here.
- Transliteration: We follow our own transliteration system that is similar to Encyclopedia Iranica but without full diacritics (only ʿayn and hamza are indicated). We generally favor Persian phonetics, bearing in mind Iranian audiences and Persian readers.
- Transcription: We include transcription when it is necessary and helpful, including for sources, inscriptions, verses, and key terms.
شیوه نگارش فارسی
- برای کسرهی اضافه، از «ی» به جای همزه (ء) استفاده کردهایم (مانند: موزهی ملی، مقبرهی خالی).
- از نیمفاصله در «می» قبل از فعل (مانند: میشود)، «ها»ی جمع ( مانند: کتابها) و کلمات مرکب (مانند: زرینفام، کاشیکار) استفاده کردهایم.
- اسمهای خاص عیسی، موسی، یحیی به همین صورت نوشته شدهاند، مگر این که مضاف واقع شوند، مانند عیسای مریم، یحیای برمکی، موسای کلیم.
تبصره: تنها در مورد امامزاده یحیی ورامین این قانون اعمال نشده است. - برای املای درست کلمات، فرهنگ املائی خط فارسی در وبگاه فرهنگستان زبان و ادب فارسی را مرجع قرار دادهایم.
- برای شیوهی نوشتن رایج اسامی غیرفارسی در زبان فارسی این کتاب را مرجع قرار دادهایم: فرهنگ اعلام و اصطلاحات: دانشنامه دانشگستر، معادل فارسی اَعلام و اصطلاحات انگلیسی. تهران: نشر فرزان روز، ۱۳۹۵.