Table of Contents (فهرست مطالب)
Introduction (معرفی)
Essay in English, coming soon in Persian translation
Keelan Overton, “Introduction to the Emamzadeh Yahya Project and Online Exhibition”
Varamin (ورامین)
- History (تاریخچه): Essay in English, translated into Persian (به فارسی)
Hossein Nakhaei, “The History of Varamin and its Shiʿi Significance, 10th–20th Centuries” - Architectural Heritage (میراث معماری): Interactive ArcGIS StoryMap in English
Keelan Overton and Hossein Nakhaei, “The Architectural Heritage of Varamin, pre-Islamic to Safavid Periods” - Oral History (تاریخ شفاهی): 13-minute film in Persian with English subtitles (also on YouTube), interactive Google Map, and landing page in Persian (به فارسی) and English
Mohammad Amini, interviewed by Jabbar Rahmani and Maryam Rafeienezhad, “Oral History with Mohammad Amini: Sacred Landscapes and Moharram Rituals in Varamin” - Photo Album (آلبوم تصاویر): Interactive Exhibit tour in English (coming soon)
Keelan Overton, “Tour of a Photo Album: Jane Dieulafoy’s Photographs of Varamin, June 1881” - City Tour (تور ورامین): 12-minute film (also on YouTube) and landing page in Persian (به فارسی) and English
Hamid Abhari, “Tour of Varamin” - Maps (نقشهها): Collection of fixed and interactive maps (coming soon)
“Mapping Varamin, ca. 1912–2024”
Building (بنا)
- History of Evolution (تاریخ تحول): Essay in English
Keelan Overton and Hossein Nakhaei, “Chronological Overview of the Emamzadeh Yahya Complex, ca. 1200–2024” - Textual Source (منبع متنی): Interactive Storiiies tour in English
Hossein Nakhaei and Keelan Overton, “The Emamzadeh Yahya Through the Eyes of ʿAliqoli Mirza Eʿtezad al-Saltaneh: Notes from a Qajar Court Visit to Varamin in 1279/1863 and a Biography of Emamzadeh Yahya dated 1294/1877” - Stucco Inscription (کتیبه گچبری): Essay in English with filmed recitation (also on YouTube)
Keelan Overton and Hossein Nakhaei, “The Stucco Inscription in the Tomb of Emamzadeh Yahya: From Architectural Ornament to Historical Memory” (with a recitation by Ahmad Khamehyar) - Photo Timeline (گاهشمار مصور): Archival photo collection and timeline
Keelan Overton, “Photo Timeline: A Visual History of the Emamzadeh Yahya, 1880s–1980s” - Site Tour (تور محوطه): 16-minute film (also on YouTube) and landing page in Persian (به فارسی) and English
Hamid Abhari, “Tour of the Emamzadeh Yahya and Kohneh Gel” - Digital Tools (ابزارهای دیجیتال) (coming soon)
Ritual (مراسم)
- Twelver Shiʿism (شیعه دوازده امامی): Essay in English
Sepideh Parsapajouh, “The Sacred Encounter: Pious Visitation and Devotional Practices in Twelver Shiʿism” - Power of Touch (قدرت لمس): Essay in French, recited by the author in Persian (به فارسی)
Sepideh Parsapajouh, “Transcender les émotions: le toucher et le sacré à Karbala (Transcending Emotions: Touch and the Sacred at Karbala)” - Yahya b. ʿAli (یحیی بن علی):
Essay in Persian (به فارسی), translated into English
Ahmad Khamehyar, “Introduction to the Origins and Development of Emamzadehs in Iran, with an Emphasis on the Emamzadeh Yahya in Varamin” - Ritual Objects (اشیای آیینی): Interactive Exhibit tour in English
Keelan Overton, “Tour of a Photograph: Ritual Objects in the Tomb of Emamzadeh Yahya, April 1958”
Luster (زرینفام)
- History (تاریخچه): Essay in English
Abbas Akbari, “The History of Zarrinfam Pottery in Iran at a Glance” - Sites (محوطهها): Essay in English
Hossein Nakhaei and Keelan Overton, “Sites with Persian Luster Tiles, ca. 1200–1350” - Interiors (فضاهای داخلی): Essay in French
Anaïs Leone, “La partie et le tout : puzzles lustrés des intérieurs de l’Iran médiéval (The Part and the Whole: Luster Puzzles of Medieval Iranian Interiors)” - Cenotaphs (مزارها): Essay in English, translated into Persian (ترجمه فارسی)
Sheila Blair, “The Luster Cenotaph from the Emamzadeh Yahya at Varamin” - Handling Session (جلسه بررسی آثار): 19-minute film (also on YouTube) and landing page in English
Fuchsia Hart, a film by Keelan Overton, “Between the Object, Archive, and Gallery: Luster Tiles Attributed to the Emamzadeh Yahya in the V&A, London” - Scientific Analysis (بررسی علمی) (coming soon)
Museum (موزه)
- Luster Market (بازار کاشیهای زرینفام): Interactive photograph with entries
Keelan Overton, “A Luster Cabinet in Tehran, ca. 1880s, and Its Global Dispersal,” introduction to the feature in English- Amsterdam: Star tile
Keelan Overton - Two Iberian luster dishes
Mariam Rosser-Owen - Tokyo: Cross tile
- Paris: Dish
Keelan Overton - Berlin: Tile in the form of an arch
Deniz Erduman-Çalış - Honolulu: Base of a water pipe (qalian)
Keelan Overton
- Amsterdam: Star tile
- Travels of a Mihrab (سفر محراب): Filmed lecture in English (coming soon)
Keelan Overton and Hossein Nakhaei, “From Varamin to Honolulu: The Troubled Journeys and Displacements of the Emamzadeh Yahya’s Luster Mihrab, 1863–2024” - Photo Archive, Louvre (آرشیو عکس: موزه لوور): 10-minute film (also on YouTube) and landing page in English
Featuring Alejandra Tafur Manrique and Martina Massullo, a film by Keelan Overton, “Behind the Scenes of the Archive and Photograph: Fonds Godard, musée du Louvre, Paris” - Luster Tiles, Doha (کاشیهای زرینفام: دوحه): 5-minute film (also on YouTube) and landing page in English
Featuring Nicoletta Fazio, a film by Christian Sánchez, “Tiles from the Emamzadeh Yahya at Varamin in the Museum of Islamic Art, Doha” - Ashura Hall, Abyaz (تالار عاشورا: کاخ ابیض): Essay in Persian (coming soon)
Negar Shariatnia, “The Talar-e Ashura in the Museum of Anthropology, Abyaz Palace, Tehran” - Museological Futures (آینده موزهشناسی) (coming soon)
Keelan Overton
People (مردم)
- Pilgrims (زائران): Essay in Persian (ترجمه فارسی), translated into English
Nazanin Shahidi Marnani, “If some day a noble soul reads this…: Documenting the yadegari (mementos) of the tomb of Emamzadeh Yahya in Varamin” - Photographers (عکاسان): Timeline of biographical entries in English
- Jane Dieulafoy (1851–1916)
Keelan Overton - Friedrich Sarre (1865–1945)
Jens Kröger - André Godard (1881–1965) and Yedda Reuilly Godard (1889–1976)
Martina Massullo - Baroness Marie-Thérèse Ullens de Schooten (1905-89)
Joanne Bloom - Hélène Roger-Viollet (1901–85) and Jean-Victor Fischer (1905–85)
Delphine Desveaux - Myron Bement Smith (1897–1970)
Ryan Murray - Bernard O’Kane (b. 1949)
Alisala Nunes - Sheila Blair (b. 1948)
Alisala Nunes
- Jane Dieulafoy (1851–1916)
- Preservationists (مرمتگران): Essay in English
Zahra Khademi, “History of Architectural Preservation in Iran and the Restoration of the Emamzadeh Yahya in 1361–63 Sh/1983–85” - Community (اهالی): Essay in Persian (ترجمه فارسی), translated into English
Maryam Rafeienezhad, “The Green Solitude of Kohneh Gel: An Ethnography of Religious and Social Life in the Emamzadeh Yahya” - Networks (شبکهها) (coming soon)
- Entombed (آرمیدگان): Essay in Persian (coming soon)
Emadaldin Sheikhalhokamaee, "Historical Tombstones of the Emamzadeh Yahya in Varamin”
Introduction (معرفی)
Essay in English
Keelan Overton, “Introduction to the Checklist: A Curatorial Experiment”
The Tomb (مرقد)
- 1. Reza Daftarian: Zarih (screen) of the tomb of Emam Reza, in English
- 2. Fuchsia Hart: Zarihs (screens) endowed by Fath ʿAli Shah, in English
- 3. Fuchsia Hart: Door endowed by Fath ʿAli Shah to the zarih (screen) of Emam Reza, in English
- 4. Panel of a screen (zarih) of Emamzadeh Yahya, in English
- 5. Jabbar Rahmani: Current zarih (screen) of Emamzadeh Yahya and the objects inside
(ضریح کنونی امامزاده یحیی و اشیاء داخل آن), in Persian (به فارسی), translated into English - 6. Flowers adorning the zarih (screen), in English
- 7. Peyvand Firouzeh: Tomb covers (qabr-push), in English
- 8. Yui Kanda: Kufic Qur’an manuscript endowed to the tomb of Emam Reza, in English
- 9. Yui Kanda: Base of a candlestick endowed to the tomb of Emam Musa at Kazemayn
(پایهی شمعدان، وقف مقبرهی امام موسی کاظم در کاظمین، عراق), in English, translated into Persian - 10. Fuchsia Hart: Tombstone of Fath ʿAli Shah for his tomb at Qom, in English
Architectural Features (اجزای معمارانه)
- 11. Tombstones (coming soon)
- 12. Reza Daftarian: Ayeneh-kari (mirror-work), in English
- 13. Reza Daftarian: Orosi (sash) windows, in English
- 14. Heshmat Kafili: Oldest wooden door of the Shrine of Emam Reza
(قدیمیترین درِ چوبیِ حرم امام رضا (ع)), in Persian (به فارسی), translated into English - 15. Door of the tomb of Emamzadeh Yahya, in English
- 16. Heshmat Kafili: Two mihrabs of the tomb of Emam Reza
(دو محرابِ مقبرهی حضرت رضا، حرم امام رضا (علیه السلام)), in Persian (به فارسی), translated into English - 17. Rowan Bain: Star tile attributed to the Emamzadeh Yahya, in English
- 18. Yui Kanda: Two star tiles attributed to the Emamzadeh Yahya, in English
- 19. Dmitry Sadofeev: Cross tiles with Persian verses attributed to the Emamzadeh Yahya, in English
- 20. Fuchsia Hart: Carpets of the tomb of Shah ʿAbbas II in the Shrine of Fatemeh Maʿsumeh, in English
- 21. Heshmat Kafili: Basin (sangab) of the Shrine of Emam Reza
(سنگاب), in Persian (به فارسی), translated into English - 22. Ceramic tombstones (coming soon)
Sacred Atmosphere (فضای مقدس)
- 23. Keelan Overton: Trees, in English
- 24. The Chenar Tree of the Emamzadeh Yahya in Tehran (coming soon)
- 25. Reza Daftarian: Soundscapes, in English
- 26. Sacred texts and calligraphies (coming soon)
- 27. Pooyan Tamimi Arab and Mirjam Shatanawi: Bismillah bird, in English
- 28. Portraits of the Emams (coming soon)
- 29. Hoda Nedaeifar: Asr-e Ashura (Evening of Ashura), in English
- 30. Ulrich Marzolph: The Holy Family, in English
- 31. Sarah Piram: Qalamkari hanging depicting the Last Judgement, in French
- 32. Fuchsia Hart: Qalamkari woodblock with a portrait of Emam ʿAli, filmed catalog entry in English (also on YouTube)
Personal Piety (زیارت فردی)
- 33. Books, in English
- 34. Tasbih (prayer beads) (coming soon)
- 35. Pooyan Tamimi Arab and Mirjam Shatanawi: Prayer tablet (mohr), in English
- 36. Sarah Piram: Prayer objects, in French
- 37. Pooyan Tamimi Arab and Mirjam Shatanawi: Mirror box, in English
- 38. Fuchsia Hart: Mirror case, filmed catalog entry in English (also on YouTube)
- 39. Mirjam Shatanawi: Lock, in English
- 40. Ulrich Marzolph: Pilgrimage souvenir, in English
- 41. Ulrich Marzolph: Ziyarat-nameh (pilgrim’s guide), in English
- 42. Ulrich Marzolph: Standardized letter, in English
Collective Practices (آیینهای جمعی)
- 43. Mehrnaz Fazel: Sabzeh (sprouted greens), in English
- 44. Nazri (food) (coming soon)
- 45. Chaeri Lee: Naqqashi-ye qahveh-khaneh (coffeehouse painting), in English
- 46. Lucy Deacon: Taʿziyeh-khani (Shiʿi devotional drama), in English
- 47. Sara Khalili Jahromi: Performance of the martyrdom of ʿAli Akbar, in English
- 48. Jabbar Rahmani: Parcham (ceremonial textile)
(پرچم حسینیهی کنگرلوها: معرفینامهی یک اجتماع آیینی), in Persian (به فارسی), translated into in English - 49. Jabbar Rahmani: ʿAlamat and chelcheragh
(علامت و چلچراغ کنگرلوها), in Persian (به فارسی), translated into in English - 50. Sacred ʿalam of the Kangarlu, in English
- 51. Mirjam Shatanawi: Calligraphic finial, in English
- 52. Looking forward to spring (coming soon Nowruz 2025)
Resources (منابع)
- Table of Contents (فهرست مطالب)
- Publication Guide (راهنمای نشر)
- Timeline (گاهشمار)